Office Feng Shui Audit Service by Master Ang (926 sq ft) | Yuan Zhong Siu


Office Feng Shui Audit Service by Master Ang (926 sq ft)



  • Floor plan of the office (with compass direction)
  • Birth time & date of shareholders


  • 平面图+门开方向
  • 商业风水 – 公司股东的 出生日期和时间

About Geomancer Master Ang :

Geomancer Master Ang is a renowned Geomancer and Zi Wei Life Destiny Astrology Master in Singapore. With more than 25 years of experience in Yuan Zhong Siu, he is known for his highly accurate analysis and proficiency in Feng Shui and astrology. To date, Master Ang has served countless satisfied customers. His clientele includes high-ranking government officers, corporate leaders, lawyers, and families, seeking solutions to their life issues. With his attention to detail and his wealth of knowledge, Master Ang is well-respected by his customers.

洪文顺师傅是新加坡著名的风水命理师,精通紫微斗数、八字、易经和风水堪舆,拥有二十多年的丰富经验。洪师傅擅长居家和企业风水, 是多家房地产楼盘钦点的驻站风水师傅。他也常受邀到房地产、金融企业和大专学府主讲授课; 主题涵盖命理风水、职场文化、理财之道、企业规划等, 皆获得好评。多年来洪师傅凭借着敏锐精准的命理见解, 至今已为无数名客户开运解难, 获得广泛的赞誉和尊重 。

What Our Clients Say About Geomancer Master Ang

Han Ying
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We have recently engaged Master Ang for Home Feng Shui consultation and it was a very pleasant experience. Master Ang's assistant was also present to take down all the advices given by Master Ang, and a detailed report was given to us. What I also like about Yuan Zhong Siu is that there is absolutely no hard-selling, so you won't feel that you are being pressurised into buying something.
Chan Lay Kock
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We have been under guidance of Master Ang since we moved into our current flat in 2014. Through his guidance, we have had a smooth journey in our life all these years. We are very thankful to him and to his assistant. Both of them are always on hand to provide us with any advice for Feng Shui whenever we face any dilemma. I would highly recommend Master Ang to any of my friends, or anyone who needs advice in Feng Shui!
Chan Lay Kock
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Master Ang is very patient in addressing all the questions and concerns we have during the consultation on our home's Feng Shui. His recommendations for mitigating problem areas are practical. His assistant was also very helpful in explaining the procedures to follow and observe, and follow up with us closely in implementing the advice from Master Ang.
Jessica Lim
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Master Ang is a master that I will definitely go to - in terms of Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数) and Feng Shui (风水). His readings are so accurate and I'm very amazed. After adopting his Feng Shui suggestions, I feel that my house is more harmonious than before. Master Ang's assistant is also very helpful. I always rely on her to get things done. Her service is superb and she is my go to person always! Overall at Yuan Zhong Siu, the experience is very good. Quality masters with people who are passionate to serve!

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