

What Our Clients Say About Us

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For Master Hsieh - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

I would like to recommend Master Hsieh, she is very friendly and approachable. She explains the Zi Wei Dou Shu in details. Will definitely recommend her to my friends and families.

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by Chen Qiwen Chris
For Master Hsieh - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

Thank you 缘中秀 for the advice and seeing me through some of my most difficult and challenging times, so that I can . My mother brought there and subsequently I was recommended to see Master P §F #t and his Consultant Amanda about 10 years ago for Master Cheng. Since then, they have been there for me, sincere, helpful and willing to listen, offering their utmost truthful advice with practical solutions. With them, I came to know their caring and helpful colleagues based at the temple, too. Do not hesitate to approach them for any advice or directions on 紫微斗数。 6 months later, I was introduced to Master Hsieh Pei Chen as Master P has retired. This time, I seek advice on the new year life cycle analysis. Master Hsieh was equally expertise in, or even more so, formidable in 紫微斗数. She analysed with expert skills and knowledge in the field, and offer advices alongside her detailed analysis systematically and logically in and easy to understand language, so that I was able to fit that to make positive outcomes in my personal and development, relationship management and networking. Thank you Master Hsieh and Amanda!

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by Lisa
For Master Hsieh - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

As the new year is approaching, I went to 缘中秀风水命理(四马路) at Fortune Center to see Master Hsieh Pei Chen. She was professional, approachable and very knowledgeable in 紫微斗数.Her analysis and predictions on my life palaces were accurate and very useful to my daily life management and business, to increase sales and income, as well as keep a good health!

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by Lilian Lim
For Master Hsieh - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

My experience with Master Hsieh was great. I am impressed by her predictions and good insights. Will definitely recommend her to my friends.

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by Lynx Tan
For Master Vion Lee - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

李师傅给我的印象就是说话不急不躁,温文尔雅,很有耐性的听你把问题说完,我觉得这是对顾客的基本尊敬,师傅都没忽略。 偶而需要请教师傅的疑问,她也不会敷衍或拒绝,很感谢师傅和顾问Ivy一直给于的协助和指点。

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by 周绣桦
For Master Vion Lee - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

那天在Serangoon走走,让我第一次接触到缘中秀和紫微斗数。谢谢Master Vion!师父很友善,而且耐心地以命理玄学专业知识为我讲解,让我对自己身边的人事物更了解。 我尤其感激Serangoon分行顾问的接待,她全程带着笑脸,服务态度值得赞赏。

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by Riess Arr
For Master Keith Toh - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

Master Keith is straight forward with his advises and has help to strategies and aid towards career aspect. There are improvement on family too.

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by Ricky Koh
For Master Keith Toh - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

和Keith师傅认识很久了,在很多迷茫的时候都 来找他,因为Keith师傅超级认真也非常耐心,拨云见日地帮助你指点方向,真的让人豁然开开朗! 还有Sally的服务也很棒,他会帮着记录和补 充,每一次的体验都非常nice,强烈推荐!

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by Qiu Judy
For Master Keith Toh - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

从家居风水接触到缘中秀,偶然遇到了穿一身运动装的Keith师傅。我对师傅的第一印象是师傅挺有魄力的,也不畏惧给予我们建议,毕竟是生死大事。 医生解释着家人的生命垂危的事项,我们看着自己爱人的生命慢慢陨落。师傅不需要我们多说,也给了我们最真诚的讲解与建议, 让日后不在人世的家人有了最大的慰藉与安心。 记得当我需要决定爱人生死的那一刻,那种 痛心孤独无助的感觉,身边没有任何一个人能帮我分担。我信息了师傅,他的讲解给了我指引方向,我做了一个重要的决定。至今我都非常感恩当日师傅的指点。 非常感恩师傅跟Sally超于服务顾客的态度, 给予我生活上的指点,点亮我更美好的未 来!推荐大家,希望大家的未来也能一帆风。

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by Lim Yvonne
For Master Emily Lam - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

I had a good reading from Master Emily at Fortune Centre on March. Her reading and explanation on my Zi Wei Astrology Reading Chart are so precise. Her assistant's Venna assist me very well. She wrote down all the important notes for me and they not pushy with the recommendation, a plus point for me. I recommended my colleague to find to go over for the service on last week and she feel the same experience too. Thank you YZS.

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by CnnChin Lim
For Master Emily Lam - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

I first got to know Master Emily and Venna in 20150 2015 was at my lowest point. I was having financial difficulties and there were a lot of conflicts at work. I still remember I was doing shopping then and I came across Yuan Zhong Siu. Since I weren't happy with my life, I decided to walk into the shop and make appointment to understand my astrology. My deep impression of Master Emily, she was very patience and explained clearly to me of my situation then and how I could change it. Venna was very encouraging and not pushy. It has been 6 years, without fail I will see both of them yearly to understand and improve my situation. And during the year, if I encounter any challenges I would seek help and advise from them so not to make any wrong decision. Now I am happier now and my life has also improved a lot. Thanks a lot.

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by Sook Kuen
For Master Emily Lam - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

Today had my Zi Wei astrology reading session with Master Emily and she was quite accurate and spot-on on all the issue and my concern. Will recommend my friends over too for their services and definitely considering on their other services too now.

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by Zi Wei Ang

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