

Thank you 缘中秀 for the advice and seeing me through some of my most difficult and challenging times, so that I can . My mother brought there and subsequently I was recommended to see Master P §F #t and his Consultant Amanda about 10 years ago for Master Cheng. Since then, they have been there for me, sincere, helpful and willing to listen, offering their utmost truthful advice with practical solutions. With them, I came to know their caring and helpful colleagues based at the temple, too. Do not hesitate to approach them for any advice or directions on 紫微斗数。

6 months later, I was introduced to Master Hsieh Pei Chen as Master P has retired. This time, I seek advice on the new year life cycle analysis. Master Hsieh was equally expertise in, or even more so, formidable in 紫微斗数. She analysed with expert skills and knowledge in the field, and offer advices alongside her detailed analysis systematically and logically in and easy to understand language, so that I was able to fit that to make positive outcomes in my personal and development, relationship management and networking. Thank you Master Hsieh and Amanda!

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