Recommended for regular customers, Liu Nian Zi Wei Dou Shu (流年紫微斗数) allows you to understand yourself and your situation better. This is an overview forecast of your luck analysis for the upcoming year.
*For first-timer, the Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology service is better for you as it is a comprehensive service that details your lifetime luck analysis.
Unsure about what your future holds? Thinking of changing a career path? Clarify your doubts with Grand Master Phang.
Knowledge is power. Recommended for those who want to plan for the new year! Get a deeper understanding towards your career, relationship, financial health forecast. Let us guide you to achieving more happiness and success in your life.
1. 作为今年决策与计划的参考方向,理清思路,趋吉避凶
2. 辨识生活工作中的小人/贵人,把握机遇
3. 预测今年可能产生的变化/改变,勿走冤枉路
*Note: Fill up your contact number accurately in the billing details section. Our dedicated service representative will be in contact with you within 1-2 working days to assist in the appointment making.
For any queries – click here to contact us via WhatsApp!
Recommended for regular customers, Liu Nian Zi Wei Dou Shu (流年紫微斗数) allows you to understand yourself and your situation better. This is an overview forecast of your luck analysis for the upcoming year.
*For first-timer, the Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology service is better for you as it is a comprehensive service that details your lifetime luck analysis.
Unsure about what your future holds? Thinking of changing a career path? Clarify your doubts with Grand Master Phang.
Knowledge is power. Recommended for those who want to plan for the new year! Get a deeper understanding towards your career, relationship, financial health forecast. Let us guide you to achieving more happiness and success in your life.
1. 作为今年决策与计划的参考方向,理清思路,趋吉避凶
2. 辨识生活工作中的小人/贵人,把握机遇
3. 预测今年可能产生的变化/改变,勿走冤枉路
*Note: Fill up your contact number accurately in the billing details section. Our dedicated service representative will be in contact with you within 1-2 working days to assist in the appointment making.
For any queries – click here to contact us via WhatsApp!
Established since 1989, Yuan Zhong Siu is the leading Feng Shui brand in Singapore. Founded by Grand Master Hillary Phang, the company currently has 3 retail outlets and provides Home and Office Feng Shui, Zi Wei Dou Shu Life Destiny Astrology, Baby Naming, Wedding Date Selection services and more.
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190 Middle Road, #18-03, Fortune Centre, Singapore 188979
190 Middle Road, #01-35 Fortune Centre,Singapore 188979
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