Concise Name Evaluation | Yuan Zhong Siu


Concise Name Evaluation


The power of a person’s name cannot be underestimated. A strong and positive name can enhance likeability and attract opportunities, laying a solid foundation for success. Not sure if your Chinese name is bringing you luck? Our Name Evaluation service offers a personalized explanation to show you how your name is impacting your relationships, luck, career, and overall life trajectory.

Information Needed:

  • Full Chinese name and gender.

Service includes:

  • 1 x in-person consultation with our expert Name Specialist
  • The face-to-face consultation will include a concise explanation of your current Chinese Name based on its individual Chinese characters and the elemental compatibility to conclude if this is a suitable/auspicious name for you
  • The name analysis result (see report sample) will be printed and given to you for your future reference

The Name Evaluation Report will be ready within 3 working days (upon submission of complete information). This service does not include a name change service. To change your name, click Personal Re-naming.

For any queries – click here to contact us via WhatsApp! Send us a WhatsApp

*Note: To proceed for booking, checkout for this service. Fill up your contact number accurately in the billing details section. Our service representative will WhatsApp you within 2 working days for appointment making. Submit your information and wait for the scheduled appointment at our retail outlet.

Appointment available either at our Fortune Centre or Serangoon Central Outlet.

SKU SSAN-0001 Category

The power of a person’s name cannot be underestimated. A strong and positive name can enhance likeability and attract opportunities, laying a solid foundation for success. Not sure if your Chinese name is bringing you luck? Our Name Evaluation service offers a personalized explanation to show you how your name is impacting your relationships, luck, career, and overall life trajectory.

Information Needed:

  • Full Chinese name and gender.

Service includes:

  • 1 x in-person consultation with our expert Name Specialist
  • The face-to-face consultation will include a concise explanation of your current Chinese Name based on its individual Chinese characters and the elemental compatibility to conclude if this is a suitable/auspicious name for you
  • The name analysis result (see report sample) will be printed and given to you for your future reference

The Name Evaluation Report will be ready within 3 working days (upon submission of complete information). This service does not include a name change service. To change your name, click Personal Re-naming.

For any queries – click here to contact us via WhatsApp! Send us a WhatsApp

*Note: To proceed for booking, checkout for this service. Fill up your contact number accurately in the billing details section. Our service representative will WhatsApp you within 2 working days for appointment making. Submit your information and wait for the scheduled appointment at our retail outlet.

Appointment available either at our Fortune Centre or Serangoon Central Outlet.

Concise Name Evaluation (测名服务)



  • 中文姓 及 性别


  • 与我们的资深姓名学顾问进行一次面对面的咨询
  • 顾问将细解您姓名中每个字的笔画五行、天格、人格和地格之间的相生相克关系
  • 讲解名字的吉凶,并让您了解名字对个人运势的影响,同时建议是否应该保留该名字或是需要改名
  • 姓名分析报告将打印一份并交给您以供日后参考


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