- 金木水火土,聚大地之气,运转乾坤,气运而生
- 广纳五方财,化门煞对冲,化气泄问题
- 吉祥瑞兽,镇宅和守护,事业成功,生活处处平安
Placing The Five Guardians Emblem together invites a multitude of blessings into your life. Together they create a harmonious balance, offering the blessings of good fortune, financial opportunities and material affluence.
- Suitable for anyone who is keen to attract wealth and a life filled with luxurious comforts.
- Highly recommended for businessmen as the emblems can help attract abundance of resources and revenue to bring an affluent livelihood for any venture.
- Emblems can be used for home to bring happiness, positivity and joy for the family.
(Optional) – Auspicious Timing to Place Emblems 吉时安置 : 7-9am