Master Keith Toh | Yuan Zhong Siu


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Master Keith Toh

Master Keith Toh is a highly regarded expert astrologer in Southeast Asia. He has been practicing and teaching Astrology, Chinese Metaphysics, Ba Zi and Feng Shui subjects for more than 20 years in Singapore.

With his vast knowledge and unwavering dedication to his craft, Master Keith is well versed in Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology, Ba Zi, Feng Shui and Four Pillars of Destiny. Master Keith is a strong believer that life analysis and divination can help boost one’s luck effectively if used wisely. He is known to provide accurate and insightful guidance to his clients, earning him a reputation as a true professional in the Astrology industry. His precise analysis and worthy advices has also won him a following of loyal and satisfied clientele.

Master Keith Toh is based at our Serangoon Central outlet.

杜顺吉师傅深得缘中秀创始人 – 彭松華大师亲自传授命理相关知识,并学有所成,目前在缘中秀提供命理服务已有10多年的经验。杜顺吉师傅擅长紫微斗数、四柱以及子平八字,并可从中推论个人的福德厚薄及命运起伏,具有说服力。至今,杜顺吉师傅仍不断进取学术研究,他认为要善于运用命理知识,以帮助普罗大众提升个人运势。杜顺吉师傅为人稳重热心,其论命风格极具亲和力,以同理心看待每个问题。


Zi Wei Dou Shu (Ba Zi) Astrology Reading by Master Keith Toh

What Our Clients Say

Ricky Phua
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Zi Wei Dou Shu (Ba Zi) Astrology Service

by Master Keith Toh

这段时间因为疫情原因,造成我的公司生意问题,还好在我迷茫时有朋友推荐了缘中秀 Serangoon 分行的 Keith 老师指点迷津,也感谢 Keith 老师和助手Sally的耐心帮助,让我看到了希望! 希望明天会更好!
Nan Nan
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Zi Wei Dou Shu (Ba Zi) Astrology Service

by Master Keith Toh

听朋友介绍 Keith 师傅可以帮不少朋友解决一些运势困扰,所以我找了 Keith 师傅。通过师傅的讲解,让我在逆境中找到一丝光明,面对生活中的种种考验并为之努力,谢谢师傅的助手Sally帮助和讲解,超级有魅力有耐心,感恩遇见!
Evelyn Lam
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Zi Wei Dou Shu (Ba Zi) Astrology Service

by Master Keith Toh

Very pleasant experient with the professional service by Master Keith. He is very patient and detailed when it comes to explanations for the chart. Will provide guidance and solution if you have any questions.
Andrea Lee
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Zi Wei Dou Shu (Ba Zi) Astrology Service

by Master Keith Toh

I had a pleasant experience with Master Keith and his assistant, Sally for the interpretation of my life chart. They are very precise in giving you practical advises rather than sugarcoating certain facts! Post session, you are still able to chat with Sally if you missed out or was unable to certain things for a better explanation.
Katherine Lim
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Zi Wei Dou Shu (Ba Zi) Astrology Service

by Master Keith Toh

Master Keith 讲话超仔细的,会分成不同的格局来和我们解释给予建议,分析我们现在的状况和未来或许会发生的一些事情。可以告诉师傅你的目标是什么,师傅还会说适不适合自己的五行!超棒的!
Edmond Lim
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Zi Wei Dou Shu (Ba Zi) Astrology Service

by Master Keith Toh

Master Keith was very patient and informative. Really enjoyed the session and understand the things that were explained to me. Looking forward to have more sessions with them.
Kevin Qiu
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Zi Wei Dou Shu (Ba Zi) Astrology Service

by Master Keith Toh

Yuan Zhong Siu is always my go-to place whenever I need any assistance. We have patronised this store for many years and have always depended on the amazing advice and direction of Master Keith for spiritual guidance and help. Yuan Zhong Siu has never failed me and always impressed me, I will continue to patronise them for many years to come.
For Master Keith Toh - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service
Yuan Zhong Siu Feng Shui Serangoon outlet is always my go-to place whenever I need any assistance - we have patronised this store for many years and have always depended on the amazing advice and direction of Master Keith for spiritual guidance and help. Yuan Zhong Siu Serangoon has never failed me and always impressed me, and I will continue to patronise them for many years to come.
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by Kevin Qiu
For Master Keith Toh - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service
I always have my yearly reading performed by Master Keith. He is professional and helpful, and Sally will always help me note it down on a piece of paper for my future reference. Initially, as a more scientific person, I did not believe in all of these. However, the accuracy is scary and it wards me from potential danger. Really recommend and I hope their business will not be affected by Covid.
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by Tracy Jiamin
For Master Keith Toh - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service
After seeing Master Keith for my Zi Wei at Serangoon outlet , it really helps me in my career path. And my career now is getting better. Thanks to Master Keith for advising. 
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by Claire
For Master Keith Toh - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service
Master Keith is straight forward with his advises and has help to strategies and aid towards career aspect. There are improvement on family too.
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by Ricky Koh
For Master Keith Toh - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service
从家居风水接触到缘中秀,偶然遇到了穿一身运动装的Keith师傅。我对师傅的第一印象是师傅挺有魄力的,也不畏惧给予我们建议,毕竟是生死大事。 医生解释着家人的生命垂危的事项,我们看着自己爱人的生命慢慢陨落。师傅不需要我们多说,也给了我们最真诚的讲解与建议, 让日后不在人世的家人有了最大的慰藉与安心。 记得当我需要决定爱人生死的那一刻,那种 痛心孤独无助的感觉,身边没有任何一个人能帮我分担。我信息了师傅,他的讲解给了我指引方向,我做了一个重要的决定。至今我都非常感恩当日师傅的指点。 非常感恩师傅跟Sally超于服务顾客的态度, 给予我生活上的指点,点亮我更美好的未 来!推荐大家,希望大家的未来也能一帆风。
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by Lim Yvonne
For Master Keith Toh - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service
《缘中秀》Serangoon分行的Keith老师的论命很准确, 而且很详细。老师很认真,非常专业! 我是在2016年逛街时巧遇《缘中秀》的店,当 时只是对自己的爱情工作运势好奇。Keith老 师当年就有提醒我由于先天运势不佳,建议补运。但我当时不懂,不太相信所以没有放 在心上。 直到3年后发生了一些事情,再到今天,我 才明白,命运是很玄妙的东西,我们在自己选择的人生道路上跌跌撞撞,一路上有很多遗憾,也有很多美好的东西值得珍惜。 我把我的真实经历分享出来,希望每一个人 的人生遗憾少一些,人生更圆满。 感谢Keith老师指点迷津儿。
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by Selena Li
For Master Keith Toh - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service
今年初预约Serangoon 分行看Master Keith的紫微斗 术批命,感觉很好,本来想了 很多问题想要问师傅,但都没 有必要,因为都详细的讲解了 我的所有事情和着几年发生在 我身上的事和大概的结果,也 正是我想要知道的。 Master Keith有耐心的给我讲 解的事包挂事业感情健康和钱 财状况,我还想预约师傅帮忙 我看一下孩子的读书的状况, 帮助他的学业。谢谢!
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by 林美风
For Master Keith Toh - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service
和Keith师傅认识很久了,在很多迷茫的时候都 来找他,因为Keith师傅超级认真也非常耐心,拨云见日地帮助你指点方向,真的让人豁然开开朗! 还有Sally的服务也很棒,他会帮着记录和补 充,每一次的体验都非常nice,强烈推荐!
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by Qiu Judy
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