2-in-1 Money Frog & Xuan Wu Emblem | Yuan Zhong Siu


2-in-1 Money Frog & Xuan Wu Emblem

$168.00 $88.00

A Feng Shui charm for prosperity. A 2-in-1 powerful emblem that has both the power of the Money Frog and the Xuan Wu celestial animal to help you achieve your wealth goals.

  • The Money Frog, also known as Jin Chan is a three-legged toad and an auspicious symbol that attract good fortune and speculative investment luck. It is surrounded by the ancient coins to symbolize abundance and wealth.
  • On the other side of this emblem is Xuan Wu (one of the auspicious celestial animals), also known as the Black Warrior of the North. Represented as a turtle entwined together with a snake, it is a symbol of prosperity and longevity.

The Money Frog and Xuan Wu works in tandem to bring a boost to your direct and indirect wealth luck. The two-sided emblem help removes obstacles and aids one in career/business growth by bringing investment luck and financial stability.

Build Wealth. Investment & Lottery Luck. Maximize your Savings.
  • Powerful combination of Money Frog & Xuan Wu: enhance money intuition, improve lottery luck & manifest financial goals
  • The Money Frog has the Big Dipper Constellation on its back which is a symbol of good luck. It is representative of helping you find your way in the dark & to overcome your financial problems
  • Safeguard your fortune, spot scammers and prevent wealth leakage, allowing for wealth accumulation
  • Increase financial literacy, be able to spot investment opportunities and to be rewarded with uncommon wealth
  • Drive away harmful energies, protect you from harm and sabotages
  • Excellent for entrepreneurs, business owners and salesperson to increase wealth prospects and open various doors of opportunities; or for investors to maximize financial gains through speculative investments

Size: 4cm(L) X 4cm(W) X 0.6cm(H), Weight: 22g
For maximum power, it is recommended to have emblems in either 3 or 6 or 9 quantities.

*See below for Chinese descriptions and for more details
**Free courier with tracking number for SG address

Availability: In stock

SKU PCSM-0030 Categories ,

A Feng Shui charm for prosperity. A 2-in-1 powerful emblem that has both the power of the Money Frog and the Xuan Wu celestial animal to help you achieve your wealth goals.

  • The Money Frog, also known as Jin Chan is a three-legged toad and an auspicious symbol that attract good fortune and speculative investment luck. It is surrounded by the ancient coins to symbolize abundance and wealth.
  • On the other side of this emblem is Xuan Wu (one of the auspicious celestial animals), also known as the Black Warrior of the North. Represented as a turtle entwined together with a snake, it is a symbol of prosperity and longevity.

The Money Frog and Xuan Wu works in tandem to bring a boost to your direct and indirect wealth luck. The two-sided emblem help removes obstacles and aids one in career/business growth by bringing investment luck and financial stability.

Build Wealth. Investment & Lottery Luck. Maximize your Savings.
  • Powerful combination of Money Frog & Xuan Wu: enhance money intuition, improve lottery luck & manifest financial goals
  • The Money Frog has the Big Dipper Constellation on its back which is a symbol of good luck. It is representative of helping you find your way in the dark & to overcome your financial problems
  • Safeguard your fortune, spot scammers and prevent wealth leakage, allowing for wealth accumulation
  • Increase financial literacy, be able to spot investment opportunities and to be rewarded with uncommon wealth
  • Drive away harmful energies, protect you from harm and sabotages
  • Excellent for entrepreneurs, business owners and salesperson to increase wealth prospects and open various doors of opportunities; or for investors to maximize financial gains through speculative investments

Size: 4cm(L) X 4cm(W) X 0.6cm(H), Weight: 22g
For maximum power, it is recommended to have emblems in either 3 or 6 or 9 quantities.

*See below for Chinese descriptions and for more details
**Free courier with tracking number for SG address

2-in-1 Money Frog & Xuan Wu Emblem (金蟾玄武币)

Where to Place

  • For businesses: Place emblem inside your Safe Box, Cash Register or Registration Counter to boost your business revenue/profits
  • For office: Place emblem on your desk, in drawer or paste it on your calculator to draw wealth luck (i.e. money from career & investment) and invite promotions
  • For everyday use: Place emblem in your wallet/bag to curb excessive spending habits
  • For home: Place emblem with any of your Wealth Enhancing Items to double up their power (e.g. Wealth Enhancing Pot, Pi Xiu)
  • Others: Emblem can also be placed at the Dragon Vein* position or Wealth Position* (*as determined from a Feng Shui audit) to congregate auspicious chi

*Note – The wealth direction for 2024 is in the North and North-East. For enhancement of your direct wealth (i.e. money from your career), you can place this item in the North-West of your house too. In sum, the 3 suitable sectors are the North, North-East and North-West sectors of your house/office.

^The emblem should never be kept in the bathroom or kitchen. Rotate the emblem such that the Money frog faces inwards of your home/office to direct good chi into your premise.

Best Timing for Placement

Monday – Sunday (any day), anytime between 7-9 am

To Recharge and Power Up your Emblem

Use the Wealth Enhancing Purifying Water to spray, clean and re-charge your emblem on a weekly basis. When cleaning, always use a dry and clean cloth to wipe away excess water and keep it dry.



  • 财源滚滚、招财进宝能帮助转危为安,绝处逢生
  • 锦绣前程、事业亨通求财谋事得心应手
  • 镇宅辟邪化煞,避小人干扰
  • 金蟾背上有北斗七星,嘴衔着铜钱,有令人飞黄腾达的寓意
  • 旺偏财运、股票、博彩和佣金得到意外收获

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