Featured Crystals
Yellow Tiger’s Eye (12mm)
- Opens up new approach to confidence in order to reach the epitome of career success
- Health protector which provides powerful physical protection from unwanted energies
- Potent wealth magnet and connects you to your root chakra for higher intelligence to successfully pursue career/academic goals
Blue Tiger’s Eye (12mm)
- A precious crystal of noble power that banishes jealousy and protects all forms of toxic sabotage
- Enhances rational thinking for wisdom and helps you further advance in an over-competitive career or academic environment
- Detoxify all negatives and enhance metabolism for prime health
Clear Quartz (12mm)
- Find heightened concentration, boost mental clarity, manifest your intentions and balance your inner energy
- Let go of past emotional baggage, help to clear your mind off distraction, soothe anxieties and bring perfect harmony
- Ward off toxic energy around you, absorb radiation from your devices, offer health protection and purge negative energy out in spaces
- 增进决断力和创造力,积极上进
- 招财辟邪,趋吉避凶鼓舞心智
- 谋事有勇有谋,勇于担当重任,不怕困难
黄虎眼 (12mm)
- 为护身符,激发勇气,使人目光如炬、高瞻远瞩及拥有广阔视野
- 净化及调整的功能,能迅速改善感冒、哮喘、支气管症状
- 财富的象征,有助于招来意外之财或是偏财
蓝虎眼 (12mm)
- 最尊贵象征的圣石;强化个人气场和胆量,辟邪保平安
- 能够化病排毒,消除杂气,促进新陈代谢和补益骨骼
- 能软化固执,顽固之气,使之合理化并带来积极进取,与时并进的开创精神
白水晶(飞马) (12mm)
- 飞跃凌霄,奔腾展翅翔云间;一马当先,平步青云登高峰
- 能掌握良机,带来主动,积极的个性助力
- 增强能量与主控能力,消除固执独断,造敌不自知的缺点