Featured Crystals
Yuan Zhong Siu Exclusive Eagle Charm – Clear Quartz (10mm)
The Eagle is a symbol of bravery, enthusiasm, hope and strength. Open up doors of opportunities and increase one’s motivational spirit.
- Unleashes vigorous power to achieve your inner most desires and optimize decision-making abilities
- Achieve unyielding drive and indomitable will. Resonate with your inner strength to thrive in your career
Rhodonite (10mm)
- Strengthens connection, interpersonal skills for successful business and personal relationships
- Activates love luck for blissful blooming relationships
- Clears obstacles of the heart, promotes inner happiness and mutual understanding
Black Golden Obsidian (8mm)
- Powerful protection against negative harmful energies and safeguards physical well-being
- Bestows grounding strength for stable pursuit of success, solidifies wealth stability and attracts good fortune for prosperity
Clear Quartz (6mm)
- Find heightened concentration, boost mental clarity, manifest your intentions and balance your inner energy
- Let go of past emotional baggage, help to clear your mind off distraction, soothe anxieties and bring perfect harmony
- Ward off toxic energy around you, absorb radiation from your devices, offer health protection and purge negative energy out in spaces
Four-Leaf Lucky Clover Charm
- Essential charm to usher good blessings and prevent misfortunes. A good luck booster – each leaf represents; reputation, true love, happiness and good health.
- 增强热忱积极,谋事顺利,成就事业
- 促进人际关系,化小人,远是非,造和谐
- 稳定情绪,消除情绪干扰、舒缓压力
白水晶 – 飞鹰雕刻 (10mm)
- 勇敢,果断爽快,饱满旺盛的力量
- 不屈不挠的拼劲,万难不屈的毅力
美国玫瑰晶 (10mm)
- 爱情开运宝石;激发心中喜悦和快乐,消除烦躁情绪
- 增强人缘,职场和商务上能左右逢源
- 增旺桃花运,能化解感情矛盾
黑金曜石 (8mm)
- 转运能力最强的水晶,吸金招财
- 增强领袖魅力,促进事业稳步上升,功成名就
- 辟邪挡煞,逢凶化吉,去除病气
白水晶 (6mm)
- 白水晶是佛教七宝之一,能净化心灵,增强记忆,清晰思维及有安定情绪的作用,被誉为[水晶之王]
- 能净化、平衡混乱的磁场,可护身保平安,增加集中力,让学习和谋事效率更高,事半功倍
- 白色是所有光色的综合体,代表平衡、圆满。用白水晶来祈祷、祈福效果最佳
- 寓意荣耀,幸福,真爱,健康
- 充满希望和信心,生活上的小确幸,心欢喜,人自在
- 使您热爱幸福,热爱生命,放下固执己见,好好爱自己
- 为自己的健康、荣耀,坦然宽心面对风雨,必能扭转乾坤,幸福就在您手里