YZS Exclusive Fortune Engraving 缘中秀专属设计:团纹雕刻
禄团纹雕刻 |
寿团纹雕刻 |
Symbol of Prosperity |
Symbol of Longevity |
- For a flourishing life with fame, authority & immense riches
- Engraved on clear quartz crystal to amplify positive effects
- Bring you blessings, abundance & success in all that you do
- Symbolism for long life, happiness and good health
- With purifying energies to give you an unbreakable shield of protection
- For safety and peace wherever you go
高官厚禄 |
福寿延年 |
- 白水晶雕刻禄团纹,可吸引财富
- 平衡混乱磁场,清晰思维,提升反应力,助事业有成
- 增强记忆,让学习和谋事效率更高,事半功倍
- 白水晶雕刻寿团纹,增加福气和好运
- 福寿延年、吉祥好运,长寿健康的象征
- 净化心灵,安定情绪,可护身保平安
- 促进活力,调节身心,增强生命力和抵抗力
Featured Charm & Crystals 缘中秀特别推荐手链饰品、水晶功效
Four-leaf Lucky Clover Charm
Four-leaf Lucky Clover Charm
- Each leaf of a four-leaf clover represents a facet of life—success, happiness , true love and good health
- Essential good luck booster to fill your life with abundant luck, bliss and unprecedented success
- Remarkable ability to amplify positive vibrations, attract lucrative investments and have successful ventures
- An extraordinary catalyst for love and romance; ignite the fires of passion and find everlasting love
- Symbolic of vitality and hope; bestowing you the courage to achieve your dreams
- 幸福、荣耀、真爱、健康
- 四叶草的花语是幸福,代表好运降临,达成所愿
- 叶谐音“业”,代表生机勃勃、充满活力。寓意事业功成名就,财运兴旺繁荣
- 代表爱情的美好、浪漫和幸福,象征永恒的爱情
- 叶子象征生命力,代表希望和生机,可提升自信心,勇于追求梦想和目标
Crackle Quartz
Crackle Quartz (8mm)
爆花白水晶 (8mm)
- Improve focus, stimulate ambition & enhance charisma to support career advancement
- Stimulate the mind to encourage out-of-the-box thinking, increasing productivity & efficiency
- Align the energies of the mind & body; assist in removing negative energies & promote overall wellness
- 爆发独特的魅力与强化能量,加强事业发展,提升暴富机遇
- 提高注意力和专注力,促进思维的清晰和灵活
- 净化身心灵,使心情舒畅
Pink Opal (8mm) |
粉澳宝 (8mm)
- Connected to heart chakra, release emotional burdens, enhance likeability & find true love
- Find your personal power, promote effective communication & empower you in your career pursuits
- Stimulate imagination, promote artistic expression & encourage innovative thinking
- 对应心轮,让人心情愉悦,增加爱情运,加强人气
- 权力之石,能强化才华和能力,助事业有成
- 提升智慧,激发灵感,增加创意
Aquamarine (10mm) |
海蓝宝 (10mm)
- Enhance speech precision, emotional intelligence & wisdom to improve interpersonal skills for you to excel at work
- Calm the mind to increase productivity, unblock yourself from limiting beliefs & reveal your inner talents to stand out from a competitive environment
- A precious crystal of fortitude & safety. For protection & to cleanse the body of toxins
- 开启智慧和思考能力,提升表达能力与说服力,在激烈竞争中脱颖而出
- 平安福气之石,清晰思绪,增强信念,带来内心的安全感
- 提升自制力与自律性,增进事业运,增强学习能力
2024 Zodiac Bracelet: Exclusive Add-On Purchase
Tai Ji Protection Shield
@ $10+GST (U.P $18) with purchase of any 2024 Bracelet
(*Note: Offer limited to 1 pc per bracelet purchased)
Tai Ji Protection Shield
- The Tai Ji Protection Shield Sticker helps block negative interferences and protect you
- For balance & harmony: The universal Tai Ji symbol embodies the union of yin and yang. This can help promote physical, mental and emotional equilibrium
- For money & abundance: Surrounded by a circle of golden wheats, it symbolizes a flourishing harvest. The surrounding Sun and Moon symbols amplify the flow of positive energy for greater wealth accumulation in your life.
- For protection & blessings: The Om Mani Padme Hum mantra can offer protection from harm and negative influences.
- 太极能量通过黄金麦穗散发出金光,强化正面、积极与光明的力量,从而达到精气神平和的状态。
- 寓意着繁荣、财富和丰收,有助于招财、聚财,事业得利
- 平衡和净化磁场,消除负面情绪,带来希望和积极
- 吸收光明能量,护身保平安,提升勇气和自信,增加缘分与福气
How to use:
- Simply paste or place the activated sticker together with your phone/laptop
- 黏贴于手机/电脑背面,藉由电波磁场,解开极星之耀的能量