Featured Crystals
Yellow Agate (10mm)
- Wealth crystal of fortune manifestation, brings prestige and abundant prosperity for luxury and comfort
- Activates indirect money luck for prosperous investment returns
- A revitalizing crystal to help with digestive disorders and improve physical energy
Black Golden Obsidian (10mm)
- Powerful protection against negative harmful energies and safeguards physical well-being
- Bestows grounding strength for stable pursuit of success, solidifies wealth stability and attracts good fortune for prosperity
Clear Quartz (12mm)
- Find heightened concentration, boost mental clarity, manifest your intentions and balance your inner energy
- Let go of past emotional baggage, help to clear your mind off distraction, soothe anxieties and bring perfect harmony
- Ward off toxic energy around you, absorb radiation from your devices, offer health protection and purge negative energy out in spaces
- 主权能力、女性持家
- 事业有成、财贵兼得
- 化解负能量、护身保平安、有利健康
黄玛瑙 (10mm)
- 尊贵的晶石,象征权力与财富
- 带来偏财运,平衡负能量,使心情愉快
- 帮助肠胃消化,排除毒素,提升健康
黑金曜石 (10mm)
- 转运能力最强的水晶,吸金招财
- 增强领袖魅力,促进事业稳步上升,功成名就
- 辟邪挡煞,逢凶化吉,去除病气
白水晶(凤凰) (12mm)
- 是百鸟之王,象征华贵、幸福、吉祥、太平
- 象征着美满、和谐的爱情,表示夫妻同心相爱
- 权力的象征,代表至高无上的力量,能掌控所有,运筹帷幄