Featured Crystals
Rose Quartz (10mm)
- Restore harmony in your relationships and help increase self-esteem
- Alleviate insecurities, heal past wounds, and awaken your feminine allure to obtain successful interpersonal relationships
- The universal crystal of true love; helping you find the love that you deserve
Moonstone (10mm)
- Balance hormonal systems, aid fertility and ease menstrual tension
- A crystal for new beginnings; draw out hidden charm enabling you to find love
- Calm the waves of emotions and be adaptable to changes
Tree Charm (Rose Gold)
- Symbolizing personal development, strength, and individual beauty
- To have the ability to withstand adversity and bounce back from difficult life situations
粉晶 (10mm) :
- 主开发心轮,加强心肺功能的健康
- 平稳情绪,舒缓烦躁心情,使人心胸宽阔,减少感情烦恼
- 爱情之石,招揽人脉,促进生意缘、异性缘,让您光彩照人
月光石 (10mm):
- 协助脂肪代谢,调节内分泌,有助排毒养颜
- 『恋爱之石』,唤醒恋爱能量,情感交融,心灵相通
- 能量非常柔和,促进神经放松,有助安眠