Featured Crystals
Rose Quartz (10mm)
- Restore harmony in your relationships and help increase self-esteem
- Alleviate insecurities, heal past wounds, and awaken your feminine allure to obtain successful interpersonal relationships
- The universal crystal of true love; helping you find the love that you deserve
Aquamarine (10mm)
- Enhance speech precision, wisdom and EQ to improve interpersonal skills
- Calm the mind to increase productivity, unblock yourself from limiting beliefs and to excel at work
- A precious crystal of fortitude and safety. Effective healing properties for good health and restful sleep for the wearer
Lock & Key Charm (Rose Gold)
- Symbolizing uniqueness, independence and love
- Unlocking new possibilities in life and to be able to move away from comfort zone
- 拥有甜美爱情,维持婚姻美满
- 缓和紧张压力,消除悲伤和忧郁
- 开启喉轮能量,强化表达能力
粉晶 (10mm) :
- 主开发心轮,加强心肺功能的健康
- 平稳情绪,舒缓烦躁心情,使人心胸宽阔,减少感情烦恼
- 爱情之石,招揽人脉,促进生意缘、异性缘,让您光彩照人
海蓝宝 (10mm):
- 开启智慧和思考能力,带来平静和安宁
- 能增强亲和力,让人更喜欢亲近,提升人缘
- 平安福气之石,能帮助表达能力,提升沟通能力