Featured Crystals
Black Obsidian (12mm)
- Ultimate protection from negative harmful energy and strong prevention of unexpected accidents
- Prevents energy leakage, heals emotional wounds for optimal well-being
- Energy bodyguard, reduces stress and improves overall health conditions
Sunstone (12mm)
- Encompasses great energy of the Sun with empowering energies to beckon success along with good fortune
- Clears and recharge all chakras to attain good health
- Dispels stress, dissipates fearfulness for a creative mind for life-changing insights that pave the way to business or career success
Clear Quartz (12mm)
- Find heightened concentration, boost mental clarity, manifest your intentions and balance your inner energy
- Let go of past emotional baggage, help to clear your mind off distraction, soothe anxieties and bring perfect harmony
- Ward off toxic energy around you, absorb radiation from your devices, offer health protection and purge negative energy out in spaces
- 增强领导力,帮助提升事业运势,登峰造极
- 家运昌隆,成就家运,光耀子息,财富传承
- 增强体内气血循环,强健肾脏,增进睡眠
黑曜石 (12mm)
- 护体安康,辟邪挡煞,吸引正能量并强效化解负能量
- 消除负面情绪,提升行动力和领导力,获得成就
- 消除疲劳和压力,强健肾脏,改善体弱气虚的症状
太阳石 (12mm)
- 称之为好运晶石,能辟邪挡煞及化小人 (犯太岁的人佩带太阳石可化煞)
- 强大的生命活力,带来正能量及吸引贵人
- 加强关节与骨骼,安抚镇定新陈代谢的神经系统
- 佩戴太阳石能您成为众人焦点,增加自信,有助人际关系及工作事业
- 提高注意力与集中力, 上班族和学生族佩戴可帮助他们达成任何目标
白水晶(貔貅) (12mm)
- 吸财纳福,招财进宝
- 喜食金银财宝,浑身散发宝气,有口无肛,吞天下财而不漏
- 旺家运,化解感情不合