Featured Crystals
Aquamarine (8mm)
- A precious crystal of fortitude, communication and safety, great to enhance precise speech for powerful persuasion and best interpersonal skills
- Bestows courageous intellect and wisdom to make the best informed decisions for career/academic success
- Gives support to those overwhelmed by responsibility, promotes restful sleep and calms the mind to improve productivity
Clear Quartz (6mm)
- Find heightened concentration, boost mental clarity, manifest your intentions and balance your inner energy
- Let go of past emotional baggage, help to clear your mind off distraction, soothe anxieties and bring perfect harmony
- Ward off toxic energy around you, absorb radiation from your devices, offer health protection and purge negative energy out in spaces
- Amplifies your inner confidence for a charming personality to impress people around you for popularity
- Great enhancer of benefactor’s luck to gain the help of mentors around for guidance to ultimate success
- Enhances positive emotion management to stay level headed for improved decision-making
Four-Leaf Lucky Clover Charm
- Essential charm to usher good blessings and prevent misfortunes. A good luck booster – each leaf represents; reputation, true love, happiness and good health.
- 水火同源,左右逢源,情感得利
- 化解困难障碍,感情如鱼得水
- 锦绣前程,坚定信心,表达力佳
- 是百鸟之王,象征华贵、幸福、吉祥、太平
- 象征着美满、和谐的爱情,表示夫妻同心相爱
- 权力的象征,代表至高无上的力量,能掌控所有,运筹帷幄
紫锂辉 (8mm)
- 女性之石,秀外慧中,众星捧月
- 贵人提携,步步高升,锦绣前程
- 平衡脉轮,治愈心灵,镇定安神
- 寓意荣耀,幸福,真爱,健康
- 充满希望和信心,生活上的小确幸,心欢喜,人自在
- 使您热爱幸福,热爱生命,放下固执己见,好好爱自己
- 为自己的健康、荣耀,坦然宽心面对风雨,必能扭转乾坤,幸福就在您手里