Featured Crystals
Gold Plated Pi Xiu (2cm x 1cm)
Symbol of immeasurable wealth and extraordinary riches
Aquamarine (8mm)
- A precious crystal of fortitude, communication and safety, great to enhance precise speech for powerful persuasion and best interpersonal skills
- Bestows courageous intellect and wisdom to make the best informed decisions for career/academic success
- Gives support to those overwhelmed by responsibility, promotes restful sleep and calms the mind to improve productivity
White Agate(8mm)
- Emotional balancer that clears negative energy fields and protects against recurring nightmares
- Filled with positive energies to inspire kindness and fortify happiness
- Removes frustrations and encourages patience to stay focused when facing challenges
海蓝宝 (8mm)
- 平安福气之石,能帮助表达能力,提升说服力
- 开启智慧和思考能力,带来平静和安宁
- 能增强亲和力,让人更喜欢亲近,提升人缘
白玛瑙 (8mm)
- 佛教七宝之一,有辟邪挡煞和清除负性能量的强大功能
- 可以强化亲和力,能够灵活应变,八面玲珑,有助事业成长,财源旺盛
- 具有养生功效,有助于解除压力,缓解疲劳,可以安稳睡眠
招财瑞兽, 旺家运,转祸为祥,趋吉避凶