Featured Crystals
Amethyst (12mm)
- A fire energy crystal to project confidence and unleash your leadership potential
- Ultimate benefactor’s luck booster to receive assistance from all directions and brings ultimate true happiness
- Empower your crown chakra to attain higher wisdom for a successful professional life
Clear Quartz (12mm)
- Find heightened concentration, boost mental clarity, manifest your intentions and balance your inner energy
- Let go of past emotional baggage, help to clear your mind off distraction, soothe anxieties and bring perfect harmony
- Ward off toxic energy around you, absorb radiation from your devices, offer health protection and purge negative energy out in spaces
- 文武双全,拓展命格宽度
- 提升事业,权势至顶峰,名声四海
- 领导力强,贵人提携,成就一生
- 是智慧之石;主开发智慧及增进财富
- 增加贵人缘,有助建立和谐融洽的人际关系
- 舒缓头痛,改善失眠,提升睡眠质量
- 勇敢,果断爽快,饱满旺盛的力量
- 不屈不挠的拼劲,万难不屈的毅力