Featured Crystals
Gold Plated Pi Xiu (2cm x 1cm)
- Never-ending money flow with enhanced golden Pi Xiu
- Usher in great wealth fortune, increase chances of a pay raise at work and get good investment yields
- Wearing a Pi Xiu bracelet can give the individual courage and strength to pursue their dreams and achieve their goals
Strawberry Quartz (10mm)
- A crystal that has powerful loving energies that enhances your femininity and helps overcome inadequate feelings to find and secure love
- Builds poise, determination, optimism for true confidence to become influential in your career
- Strong memory enhancement and depression reliever that helps bounce back from a rut
Black Golden Obsidian (10mm)
- Powerful protection against negative harmful energies and safeguards physical well-being
- Bestows grounding strength for stable pursuit of success, solidifies wealth stability and attracts good fortune for prosperity
- Promote good health and well-being
貔貅 (2cm x 1cm)
- 招财瑞兽, 旺家运
- 转祸为祥,趋吉避凶
- 爱情人缘之石,能增加个人魅力,增加桃花运,提升爱情运势
- 能帮助化解心结,消除忧郁,变得乐观豁达
- 能帮助提高记忆力,强化认知能力
- 转运能力最强的水晶,吸金招财
- 增强领袖魅力,促进事业稳步上升,功成名就
- 辟邪挡煞,逢凶化吉,去除病气