Featured Crystals/Charms
Amethyst (8mm & 10mm)
Associated with the crown chakra, this crystal will boost your wisdom, helping you stay focus and motivated. Lend you a helping hand in your journey to success by drawing benefactors into your life. Acts as a natural tranquilizer to dispel rage, manage fears, anger and calm rage & anxiety.
Pink Opal (10mm) – Premium gemstone
Commonly referred to as the crystal of spiritual awakening, it assists in self-healing on all levels and is here to rejuvenate your emotional body and aura. Pink opal bestows relationship bliss; restore love, loyalty and patience. A healing gemstone, it can relieve depression and stress by ensuring a relaxed state of mind. The premium pink opal is a classic and elegant gemstone which will make a meaningful gift for anyone you adore.
Bear Charm
Associated with youth and innocence, teddy bears symbolize a sense of comfort, safety and protection for the recipient. It is a also a lucky charm.
紫水晶 – 加强贵人缘,增强个人运气,给人勇气的力量,冷静面对挑战。祥瑞之气,吉祥富贵,提高智慧,提升灵感, 聚财招财助事业
粉澳宝 – 增加异性缘,帮助爱情运势。强化个人能力和才华,有助事业运。提升气质,缓解情绪
小熊吊饰 – 守护,稳定和幸运的象征