Featured Crystals/Charms
Citrine (10mm)
Known as the Merchant’s Crystal, citrine helps to manifest success and abundance in your life. The bright yellow color of citrine invites the energy of the sun to bring warmth and joy into your life. It protects your wealth and helps attract wealth opportunities to you. Wearing it can inspire confidence, clear-mindedness and increase your energy level to pursue your goal. Cleanse it regularly with our Wealth Enhancing Purifying Water to recharge its energy frequently in order to unleash your creativity and decisive thinking abilities.
White Agate (8mm)
For good fortune, optimism, and positivity energy. Restore your body’s balance and release toxins to strengthen the immunity. It is a calming crystal which is used to promote balance and peace. Aids in emotional stability and enhances your inner strength. Wear it to improve concentration and enhance analytical thinking. White agate can also aid in frustrations and relieve anxiety.
Heart Charm
A heart is a universal symbol of compassion, empathy and affection. The heart also carries senses of intellect and understanding, as well as connotations of the soul. Wear it to unlock your confidence and femininity for relationship success.
Protection scripture engraved on Clear Quartz (10mm)
For the ultimate health protection. This scripture is amplified by the properties of the Clear Quartz beads to help release karma from holding you back. Clear Quartz is known as the master healer, it will protect you against nightmares, unwanted accidents and keep you safe during your travels.
黄水晶 – 财富之石,增加正财偏财运,创造事业辉煌,财源广进,大富大贵,富贵有余。也是开心之石,可激发勇气带来自信,坚定信念,缓解疲劳,情绪平和
白玛瑙 – 象征美丽,幸福,吉祥及富贵。使身心愉悦,消除压力和负能量
心形吊饰 – 幸福美满,心心相印
白水晶雕刻 【六字真言】- 化除一切凶事,诸事吉祥