Featured Crystals/Charms
Rainbow Obsidian (10mm)
Out of balance? Always tired? Rainbow obsidian is the crystal of restoration; this crystal will enhance your focusing ability and productivity. It is often used to cleanse and purify your aura. Also, a powerful shield from negativity, it helps you ward off people with negative aura and ill intentions.
Orange Moonstone (10mm)
Earth element – magnify your power of resources, providing you with sufficient knowledge to excel in all that you do. Enhancing creativity and for you to enjoy what you do
Red Tiger’s Eye (10mm)
Fire element – amplify your influence, become more self-aware, align your actions with your goals and optimize your life
Water element – enhance your emotional intelligence, likability and popularity
Jadeite (10mm)
Wood element – for your power growth, helping you gain financial stability and improving career performance. For better work-life harmony and a strong body
Protection scripture engraved on Clear Quartz (10mm)
Metal element – invite benefactors to your aid to lend you a helping hand to navigate through difficulties. The scripture provides you with the ultimate health protection; allowing you to get rid of toxic habits and be safe wherever you are.
彩曜石 – 也称【领袖之石】,增加领导魅力,有助事业与财富运,逢凶化吉,增进睡眠,疏通经络,舒缓压力
橙月光 – 热忱开朗,强化爱的能量,增强创造力,积极进取,缓解急躁, 增长异性缘
红虎眼 – 发挥王者力量,说话增强说服力,给人勇气及自信,事业突破,愿望成真
蓝晶石 – 提升直觉力和潜意识,增进表达和沟通,提高说服力,平稳情绪,增加机智,功成名就,达成所愿
翡翠玉 – 抵挡负能量,辟邪化小人,加强贵人运,延年益寿,缓解疲劳,静气凝神,祛病养生,强化身体机能
白水晶雕刻 【六字真言】- 化除一切凶事,诸事吉祥