Featured Crystals
Gold Plated Pi Xiu (2cm length x 1cm width)
Symbol of immeasurable wealth and extraordinary riches. Comes in a pair bring good windfall luck and generate a steady flow of income.
Rainbow Obsidian (12mm)
Rebuild the body and mind, purge negative energies, ease stress and is the ultimate health protector. Block EMF radiation from electronic devices and reduce Tai Sui clash effects for those who are offending the Tai Sui.
Black Rutilated Quartz (12mm)
Instil courage, self-empowerment and draw in prosperous deals or job promotion. Enhance leadership competency while attracting wealth and success for the owner.
– 守正财,助偏财
– 庇护主人,为您保驾护航
– 转祸为福,趋吉避凶
– 化太岁
– 催桃花,旺姻缘
黑丝水晶 :
– 领袖石,可以大幅提升领导力,让部署向心力增强,开拓业务
– 有强大能量,助于加强气势,以消除负能量
– 辟邪护身,防止磁场干扰,化病排毒,增加体力和元气
– 激活创意思维,领导能力增加,並在事业上会有所突破
– 形成保护屏障,辟邪化煞,逢凶化吉,有助睡眠
– 加强血液循环,改善体弱气虚,消除疲劳,增强生命力与体力
- 商人:帮助商人买卖顺利。生财有道,商机无限。
- 财运不好的人:貔貅的招财功效帮助改善财运。
- 家中不和的人:貔貅有旺家运,化解感情不合的功效,也能化煞镇宅,调整风 水,从各方面来化解。
- 从事偏门生意的人: 助偏财。
- 犯太岁的人:貔貅帮助化太岁。
- 感情不和、桃花不开的人:貔貅旺桃花、催姻缘。
- 开车的人:貔貅能够护主保平安。