Featured Crystals
Amethyst (12mm)
- A fire energy crystal to project confidence and unleash your leadership potential
- Ultimate benefactor’s luck booster to receive assistance from all directions and brings ultimate true happiness
- Empower your crown chakra to attain higher wisdom for a successful professional life
Rose Quartz (10mm)
- Crystal of universal true love, fosters self-love from within to find and receive the love that you deserve
- Alleviates all insecurities, heals deep hurt and unleashes raw feminine power to speak with grace and confidence for successful interpersonal relationships
- Restores personal and relationship harmony for happiness
- 贵人指点,鸿运连连
- 家和万事兴,夫凭妻贵
- 四方见喜,广结人缘
紫晶 (10mm)
- 是智慧之石;主开发智慧及增进财富
- 增加贵人缘,有助建立和谐融洽的人际关系
- 舒缓头痛,改善失眠,提升睡眠质量
粉晶 (10mm)
- 爱情之石,招揽人脉,促进生意缘、异性缘,让您光彩照人
- 平稳情绪,舒缓烦躁心情,使人心胸宽阔,减少感情烦恼
- 主开发心轮,加强心、肺功能的健康
- 是百鸟之王,象征华贵、幸福、吉祥、太平
- 象征着美满、和谐的爱情,表示夫妻同心相爱
- 权力的象征,代表至高无上的力量,能掌控所有,运筹帷幄