

What Our Clients Say About Us

The feedback we receive from our customers is highly appreciated and will help us to improve our ability to serve. It is a driving force and motivation for us to continue to grow, excel and deliver the best customer experience.

For Master Ang - Residential Feng Shui & Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

Master Ang is a master that I will definitely go to - in terms of the 紫微斗数 and 风水. His reading is so accurate and I'm very amazed. After adopting his Feng Shui suggestions, I feel that my house is more harmonious than before. Venna is a super helpful person. I always rely on her to get things done. Her service is superb and she is my go-to person always! Overall at Yuan Zhong Siu, the experience is very good. Quality Masters with people who are passionate to serve!

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by Jessica Lim
For Master Ang - Residential Feng Shui Service

Master Ang is very patient in addressing all the questions and concerns we have during the consultation on our home's Feng Shui. His recommendations for mitigating problem areas are practical. Our consultant has been very helpful in explaining the procedures to follow, observe and follow up with us closely in implementing the advice from Master Ang.

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by Chan Lay Kock
For Master Ang - Residential Feng Shui Service

We have recently engaged Master Ang for home Feng Shui consultation and it was a very pleasant experience. Our consultant (from Chinatown) was also present on-site to take down all the advices given by Master Ang and a detailed report was given to us the next day. Consultant was really patient in answering all the queries that I had. What I also like about Yuan Zhong Siu is that there's absolutely no hard-selling, so you won't feel that you are being pressurised into buying something.

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by Han Ying
For Master Emily Lam - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

My husband and I have been seeing Master Emily and Venna team for a few years now. Their service is excellent and the analysis are accurate. They provide sound advices according to the analysis. Thus allowing us to make better decisions in our lives, giving us a peace of mind. I like their service of providing the notes of explanation after every session which is very helpful to us. I also appreciate that they have good after-service support as Venna is still very attentive to our enquiries whenever we need 🙂

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by Phloy Suksen
For Master Emily Lam - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

I first met Master Emily for Zi Wei Dou Shu astrology service back in October 2021 when I was full of negativity. During the consultation session, she provided me with a detailed comprehensive analysis on each of my 12 Palaces and so on. She explained to me my shortcomings as well as ways to overcome and improve the situation. I found Master Emily very professional and objective. Her analysis and advice gave me a better understanding of myself and help me in solving some of my troubles. This is also why I become a return customer and referred her to many of my friends and colleagues.

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by Joey
For Master Emily Lam - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

I have been with YZS for more than 10 years. Master Emily consultations for my personal and family-related matters to my great satisfaction. Shirley Goh has been serving my account since the beginning and provided me with all her kind offer for help and advise as well as encouragement during my up and down cycles all these years. Their service attitude is indeed commendable and dependable.

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by Steven Wong
For Master Emily Lam - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

I went to have my fortune read few years ago by Master Emily Lam, and I enjoyed my session. What they explained to me about my readings, I can relate well and be more assured of myself. For people who are interested to know more about yourself, you can get your reading checked and explained here. FYI, fortune-telling don't read your future. What they specialise is to read your characters and compatibility. So you can make better decisions and improve your life.

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by Pearl Han
For Master Keith Toh - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

I always have my yearly reading performed by Master Keith. He is professional and helpful, and Sally will always help me note it down on a piece of paper for my future reference. Initially, as a more scientific person, I did not believe in all of these. However, the accuracy is scary and it wards me from potential danger. Really recommend and I hope their business will not be affected by Covid.

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by Tracy Jiamin
For Master Keith Toh - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

《缘中秀》Serangoon分行的Keith老师的论命很准确, 而且很详细。老师很认真,非常专业! 我是在2016年逛街时巧遇《缘中秀》的店,当 时只是对自己的爱情工作运势好奇。Keith老 师当年就有提醒我由于先天运势不佳,建议补运。但我当时不懂,不太相信所以没有放 在心上。 直到3年后发生了一些事情,再到今天,我 才明白,命运是很玄妙的东西,我们在自己选择的人生道路上跌跌撞撞,一路上有很多遗憾,也有很多美好的东西值得珍惜。 我把我的真实经历分享出来,希望每一个人 的人生遗憾少一些,人生更圆满。 感谢Keith老师指点迷津儿。

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by Selena Li
For Master Keith Toh - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

Yuan Zhong Siu Feng Shui Serangoon outlet is always my go-to place whenever I need any assistance - we have patronised this store for many years and have always depended on the amazing advice and direction of Master Keith for spiritual guidance and help. Yuan Zhong Siu Serangoon has never failed me and always impressed me, and I will continue to patronise them for many years to come.

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by Kevin Qiu
For Master Keith Toh - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

今年初预约Serangoon 分行看Master Keith的紫微斗 术批命,感觉很好,本来想了 很多问题想要问师傅,但都没 有必要,因为都详细的讲解了 我的所有事情和着几年发生在 我身上的事和大概的结果,也 正是我想要知道的。 Master Keith有耐心的给我讲 解的事包挂事业感情健康和钱 财状况,我还想预约师傅帮忙 我看一下孩子的读书的状况, 帮助他的学业。谢谢!

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by 林美风
For Master Vion Lee - Zi Wei Dou Shu Service

谢谢Master Vion的紫微斗数讲解,她很耐心为我讲解,也为我解答所问的问题。师父以她的专业知识和态度给了我很多建议。感 恩!还有呢,顾问在整个接触的过程中也很细心,包括电话咨询、安排预约,与写小笔记整理重点和解释。谢谢你!

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by Fion Guo

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