Eminent White Crystal Bead | Yuan Zhong Siu


Eminent White Crystal Bead


Best EMF protection item. Frequent exposure to televisions, phones and even WiFi routers could cause anything from fatigue to headaches, sleeping problems, irritability and even memory loss.

Health. Protection. Healing. 

  • Master-protector against unclean energies. Block negative energies and transform them into positivity
  • Enhance immunity for top health condition
  • Enhance insight, improve mental performance, keep alert, increase attention span and improve self-discipline for the individual
  • Dispel anxiety to get restful sleep
  • Heal traumas and protect you from harm
  • White crystals can neutralize negative emotions and dissolve environmental clashes

Size: Clear Quartz: 10mm , Yellow Quartz: 12mm , 37cm (Total Length)
*See below for Chinese descriptions and for more details. 

Availability: Only 2 left in stock

SKU PGEP-0045 Category

Best EMF protection item. Frequent exposure to televisions, phones and even WiFi routers could cause anything from fatigue to headaches, sleeping problems, irritability and even memory loss.

Health. Protection. Healing. 

  • Master-protector against unclean energies. Block negative energies and transform them into positivity
  • Enhance immunity for top health condition
  • Enhance insight, improve mental performance, keep alert, increase attention span and improve self-discipline for the individual
  • Dispel anxiety to get restful sleep
  • Heal traumas and protect you from harm
  • White crystals can neutralize negative emotions and dissolve environmental clashes

Size: Clear Quartz: 10mm , Yellow Quartz: 12mm , 37cm (Total Length)
*See below for Chinese descriptions and for more details. 

Where to Place

  • Bedroom – Helps heal all emotional wounds and resolve sleep issues. Recommended to place in bedroom for kids who have poor attention span or elderly recovering from any health issues
  • Work Desk – Get out of a mental rut, plan & strategize better, acquire new thoughts & vision
  • Near Laptop/Charging Devices – Helps block radiation and protect the body and mind from external EMF interference
  • Car – Best placed in the car to provide protection and to ensure safe travels while on the road. Item can help driver increase awareness, improve judgment and keep alert when driving
    (Note: do not place item in the washroom/toilet)


  • 白水晶被称为“晶王” – 有集中、扩大记忆的功能。可镇宅、辟邪、挡煞,去除病气,趋吉开运
  • 白水晶佛串珠也可以减轻电磁波辐射。将它摆放在电脑、电视机等电器产品上或周围,可以减轻其辐射量,保护人体不会受到电磁波太多的干扰
  • 白水晶能使人心灵宁静,和谐纯洁,净化四周环境及人体自身负性能量,平衡四周环境磁场
  • 白水晶所制成的佛串珠对辟邪、挡煞、镇宅都有强大的正向及神佛加持能力
  • 放在书桌,可提高自己或小朋友的记忆力,激发潜能,平衡个人能量及情绪
  • 放在车内当 [护身符],趋吉避凶

Material 材质

Clear Quartz (白水晶) & Yellow Quartz (黄水晶)


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Crystal Care
Not recommended to wear to sleep Re-energize it with Wealth Enhancing Purifying Water

Dimensions37 cm

Crystal (水晶)

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