Yue Lao (月老), also known as the Old Man Under the Moon, is a deity in Chinese mythology who governs over marriage and love. He is believed to bind people together with an invisible red string, symbolizing destined relationships.
The Amulet is a charm used to invoke the blessings of Yue Lao. It is believed to enhance one’s romantic prospects, strengthen existing relationships, and bring about favourable outcomes in matters of love and marriage.
Where to Place
Best placed with your belongings (hung on a bag, key, or wallet) or placed in the car, under the pillow or mattress.
Recommended for
- Couples with marital issues: Prevent infidelity and restore harmony
- Couples that broke up recently: Reconnect broken bonds and maintain a nurturing relationship
- For singles: Inspire self-confidence, find good matches and be surrounded by unconditional love
- Salespersons or Agents: Elevate personal charm, likeability and increase business opportunities
- 月老符令 (9mm X 45mm): 催化和促进姻缘、招正桃花,遇正缘真爱,缓解感情波折,化解烂桃花,防小人
- 摩根石 (6mm): 对应心轮,有助治愈情伤,使情绪开朗,消除焦虑,获得充分睡眠,重拾追逐梦想的信心
- 粉晶 (8mm): 爱情之石,招揽人脉,促进生意缘、异性缘,让您光彩照人
- 蝴蝶吊饰 (10mm x 10mm): 花若盛开,蝴蝶自来。你若『晶』彩,凡事美好
- 夫妻:化解烂桃花,防止婚外情,维护家庭和谐
- 刚分手的情侣:挽回破碎的爱情,修复情伤
- 单身者:招揽正缘,早日脱单,感情开花结果
- 销售业者:旺人缘,增强个人魅力,谋事圆滑,业绩上涨
钥匙扣扣子: 铜镀金
配件: 合金镀金色