Where to Place/Product Placement
- Office – To place on the left-hand side of your work desk to gain advancement opportunities and ward off any backstabbing individuals at your office. Can also be placed on your work shelves.
- Bedroom – Have enhanced communication with your spouse/partner
- #3 San Bi or #5 Wu Huang of period 9 – For protection and to counter the effects from these stars
- Place item near your TV or beside your balcony to counter the detrimental ‘sha’ qi
*Note: #3 San Bi or #5 Wu Huang of Period 9 is in the North East (东北) and North (北) respectively.
To Recharge and Power Up your Item
Use the Wealth Enhancing Purifying Water to spray, clean and re-charge your item on a weekly basis. When cleaning, always use a dry and clean cloth to wipe away excess water and keep it dry.
宝塔上的咒语出自《切如来心秘密全身舍利宝箧印陀罗尼经》, 让你得一切如来神所护,安家镇宅保平安。镇宅宝塔有 天、地、人的组合,适合家里有角煞、冲煞、声煞、光煞的煞气,此物平稳家中的磁力线,让家的磁场稳定、镇家,护佑家中小孩与老人。适合放在家里接近阳台的位置,净化负数能量。
Material 材质
Liu Li 琉璃