- 《般若波罗蜜多心经》:佛教经典,能辟邪护身,缓解心灵压力,增长智慧和福报,广结善缘,助心想事成
- 平安符:可消灾解厄,镇宅驱邪,助力事业顺利发展,形成保护屏障,避免不幸和危险,平衡个人身心及情绪,护佑平安
Recommended for:
- Everyone: as a protective amulet
- (Must have) Zodiac signs that clash with Tai Sui: to absorb the negative Sui Po energy for smooth endeavors
- Drivers: Enhance driving safety, help maintain constant alertness while purifying the car’s magnetic field
- Frequent Travelers/Business Travelers: Protection against evil spirit or people with unkind intention, promote harmonious communication and ensure safe travels
- Working Professionals: Reduce stress, promote inner peace and minimize negative emotional disturbance
- Students: Enhance focus, reduce anxiety and boost exam performance
- Elderly/Individuals facing sleep issues: clear your mind and help those who have trouble falling asleep due to racing thoughts
- Individuals healing from any illnesses: positively interacting with your body’s energy field, calm the mind and promote physical healing
- 犯太岁的生肖:化解太岁,挂在包包出门备用,保佑平安,逢凶化吉 (其他生肖也可使用)
- 开车人士:增强行车安全,净化车内磁场,时刻保持警觉,出入平安
- 常外出/出差者:辟邪化煞,保障旅程安全,促进和谐交流与合作
- 在职人士:减轻压力,保持内心平静,减少负面情绪干扰,提高工作效率
- 学生:集中注意力,缓解焦虑,提升考试运和学习效率,学业顺利
- 长者/睡眠困扰者:抚平内心纷扰,静心安神,舒压助眠
- 康复中病患:通过与自身能量的和谐共振,安抚心灵,激活身体自愈力
Where to Place:
- Can be hung on personal items (such as bags, keys, or wallets) or placed in the car
- Place it under your pillow, mattress or by your bedside for a good night’s sleep
- Carry it with you for personal protection
*Validity of this talisman is for 1 year
- 可挂在随身物品上(如包包、钥匙、钱包)或车上,放在枕头或床垫下,随身携带,贴身保护
* 注意事项:护佑化煞平安符有效期为一年
Important Notes:
- Comes with a waterproof plastic protective cover for extra durability
- A red piece of paper is included for you to indicate your Name (in English or Chinese) and Ba Zi details (date of birth and time of birth) for personalized protection
- 附带防水塑料密封保护套,方便携带保存。附赠红纸,供填写个人八字,并夹于心经符内,以加速催动平安符的能量,护佑主人平安顺遂,远离灾难
Material 材质
- 钥匙扣扣子: 铜镀金
- 配件: 合金镀金色
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. I have a Tai Sui Emblem, do I still need the Tai Sui Safety Talisman?
Ans: Yes, the Tai Sui Emblem provides protection for your household, while the Tai Sui Safety Talisman is recommended for safe travels when you are on the road.
2. Do I need to use the Wealth Enhancing Purifying Water to re-energize this talisman?
Ans: No, the Tai Sui Safety Talisman is powered up through a blessing ceremony conducted by Taoist Master Hong. It does not require the Wealth Enhancing Purifying Water for recharging, as its power can last for a year.
3. How should I dispose my old Tai Sui Safety Talisman?
Ans: To dispose of your old talisman, wrap it with red cloth, red paper, a red plastic bag or place in a red angbao packet before discarding it.
4. My household unit has 2 people who clash with Tai Sui, how many Tai Sui Safety Talisman should I get?
Ans: It is recommended to get one talisman per person.
5. The talisman includes a red piece of paper for me to provide my personal details. Should I write my Chinese name and birth information based on the lunar calendar?
Ans: You may provide either your English or Chinese name. As for your birth information, you have the option to use the details from your NRIC/birth certificate or have it written according to the lunar calendar.