YZS Exclusive Engraving 缘中秀专属设计

Koi Fish Duo Engraving
For strength, limitless prosperity and advancement
Koi Fish Duo Engraving
- Attract Abundance and Success: Symbolizes luck, happiness, prosperity, and longevity. To draw positive opportunities and success into your life
- Enhance Relationships: The pairing of two koi fish signifies harmony, a happy marriage and strengthening of professional connections
- Inspire Perseverance and Career Growth: Represents strength and resilience; motivating perseverance and aiding in career progression
- 锦鲤又称富贵鱼、福寿鱼,代表财富、繁荣、幸福和长寿
- 白水晶雕刻锦鲤,可消解凶煞和招财纳福,提升事业平步青云
- 锦鲤成双,寓意婚姻感情美满,儿孙满堂,福寿相连
- 锦鲤象征勇敢和坚韧的精神,以饱满旺盛的力量跃上龙门,身价百倍!

Featured Charm(s) 缘中秀特别推荐手链饰品功效

Moon & Star Charm
For magnetism, healing and protection
Moon & Star Charm
- Enhances intuition, creates a protective shield against negative energies and promotes inner peace
- Supports new beginnings, helps illuminate darkness and connects you with guidance from benefactors to achieve your career aspirations
- Symbolizes fertility, harmony and happiness in relationships; enhancing love, faith, beauty and joy in your life
- 岁月峥嵘,景星庆云
- 象征圣洁、和平、希望、幸福与成功,代表至高无上的权利,运筹帷幄,达成所愿
- 消除负面情绪,追求心灵和谐,坚守信心,重燃希望,日新月异
- 象征智慧、力量和指引,提升灵感和洞察力,学习和谋事效率更高,事半功倍

Golden Orb Charm
For life force, prosperity and luck
Golden Orb Charm
- The orb shape symbolizes life’s continuity; draws in positive energies for financial success and business growth
- Enhancing unity, harmony and completeness in your interpersonal connections
- Symbolizes personal power and confidence, boosting self-esteem, courage and leadership power for career breakthroughs
- 转运珠寓意扭转运势,吉祥富贵,好运连连
- 转运珠是幸运女神的护身符,祈福保平安,得偿所愿
- 黄金转运珠代表财源滚滚,带来财富和幸福,事业家庭美满

Featured Crystals 缘中秀特别推荐手链水晶功效
Russian Nephrite Jade (10mm) |
俄罗斯碧玉 (10mm)
- Empowerment & Prosperity: For good health, abundance & a continuation of prosperity
- Boosts Immunity & Longevity: Strengthens the immune system, reduces stress, promotes longevity & to have no sufferings
- Unleash Potential: Enhances leadership skills & boosts luck for career growth, business breakthroughs & financial windfalls
- 减轻急躁、紧张、缓解压力、护体康宁
- 积极向上,使人勇敢、认真、果断处理问题
- 兴旺正财,维护家运,对事业家运有所帮助
Smoky Quartz (8mm) |
茶晶 (8mm)
- Break Free from Negativity: Shatters negative thought patterns, blocks toxic influences & inspires actionable steps for financial success
- Overcome Fear & Deflect EMF: Dispels fear & depression while shielding you from EMF radiation from electronic devices
- Ignite Creativity & Discipline: Fuels creativity, instills self-discipline while attracting fame & good business luck
- 增强行动力,采取实际行动,达成目标
- 挡煞避小人,排除负面能量,平衡情绪,减慢老化速度
- 提升反应力,加强分析判断力,助事业有成
Clear Quartz |
- Protects your aura & energy: Powerful shield against negative energies & can align your personal chakras
- Boosts mental concentration & clarity: For strong problem-solving skills & enhanced work performance
- Promote overall wellness: Minimizes anxiety & improves restful sleep for optimal health
- 佛教七宝之一,可净化磁场和负能量,可镇宅挡煞,趋吉避凶
- 提高注意力和专注力,促进思维的清晰和灵活,增强沟通和表达能力
- 放松身心和减压,提升睡眠质量,减少体内毒素积累