

2025运势提点 :


Lucky Number:


Lucky Number:

2025运势提点 :


Grand Master Hillary Phang

Grand Master Hillary Phang


鼠年出生的年份 Year of the Rat  1948,1960,1972,1984,1996,2008
十二生肖排行榜 Overall Zodiac Ranking 

For individuals born in the year of the Rat, this is your year to scamper ahead by focusing on stability and making sharp, thoughtful decisions. Stay calm, and you’ll effortlessly navigate life’s mazes, turning hard work into rewards. Financial gains are abundant, but nibble wisely—avoid shortcuts and costly traps. The White Jambhala will be able to help you overcome financial obstacles. Love will test your patience but for married Rats, take the opportunity to strengthen your relationship by reigniting the spark in marriage. Great news for singles as your Mr or Miss Right might appear when you least expect it. Prioritise your health by paying attention to your body. Maintain a healthy lifestyle to ensure you can dart through the year with energy and grace.



The lucky stars are guiding your career and there’s your chance to advance if you focus and keep learning. As your responsibilities grow, so will your opportunities to prove your worth. Remain humble to avoid jealousy from others. For those in business, wise talent management and clear goals can create a strong reputation and lead you to success. Work hard to achieve your goals; expect breakthroughs that set you apart in fields like design, spirituality and religion. To break free from self-limiting beliefs and attain career breakthrough, you can wear The Miracle (Harvest) Bracelet or Arthur the King (Prosperity) Bracelet.




In 2025, you will enjoy booming wealth luck, and you can expect that your income is on the rise! If you are an employee, your hard work will be noticed and may lead to pay raises or valuable travel opportunities with a generous and stable remuneration.  Lookout for benefactors from the opposite gender as they will be assisting your career endeavours. However, be cautious with investments—avoid high-risk ventures and only commit after thorough research. Do not invest on a whim as your speculative indirect wealth luck is lacking.




Look after your health as the illness star will be making its presence known this year. Lady Rats may find their immunity dropping, leaving them more prone to illness. This year, do not ignore your body’s signals and take time to go for detailed health checks. It’s time to burrow into the basics: a balanced lifestyle, mindful eating, and a cheerful outlook will keep you in good health. Pay close attention to blood pressure, uterine and hereditary issues. Generally, avoid foods high in oil, sugar or sodium to prevent triggering any health concerns. Position the Supreme Pagoda in the West corner of your living room to dissolve negative energies and ward off illnesses.




Your love star will shine unpredictably in 2025, making your love life as changeable as the weather. Married Rats may feel trapped in the wheel of routine. Rekindle the spark by planning special dates or trying new activities with your partner. For single Rats, romance might seem elusive, but with the right social activities—like coffee-tasting sessions, reading clubs, or food-tasting events—you could meet someone who shares your interests. Just remember, not every nibble leads to cheese—so what might seem like a sudden romance might not be the real thing. Keep your wits sharp and have the Faithful Love (Yue Lao) Amulet with you wherever you go as you navigate the maze of love this year.



幸运水晶 绿草莓晶、海蓝宝、蓝晶石、彩曜石
Auspicious Crystals Green Strawberry Quartz, Aquamarine, Kyanite, Rainbow Obsidian
幸运颜色 红色、紫色、亮黄色、卡其色
Lucky Colours Red, Violet, Bright Yellow, Khaki
幸运方位 正东、东南
Lucky Direction(s) East, Southeast

生肖推荐 Zodiac Recommendations for Year 2025

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