Dragon Turtle of Prosperity | Yuan Zhong Siu


Dragon Turtle of Prosperity


A combination of dragon and turtle, Dragon Tortoise (Long Gui) brings a boost in career achievements and draws in money for individuals. Great for individuals whom find that money outflow is increasing, and want to be able to save more. Display item to increase your money sense, manifest abundance and block gossips.

Wealth. Health. Longevity.

  • Maximize monetary profits for business
  • Improve fortune and interpersonal relationship with others
  • Garners wealth blessings and helps you achieve financial goals

Size: 7cm(W) x 7cm(L) x 5.5cm(H)
*See below for Chinese descriptions and for more details
**Free door-step delivery using NinjaVan

Availability: Only 2 left in stock

SKU PGEP-0922 Categories ,

A combination of dragon and turtle, Dragon Tortoise (Long Gui) brings a boost in career achievements and draws in money for individuals. Great for individuals whom find that money outflow is increasing, and want to be able to save more. Display item to increase your money sense, manifest abundance and block gossips.

Wealth. Health. Longevity.

  • Maximize monetary profits for business
  • Improve fortune and interpersonal relationship with others
  • Garners wealth blessings and helps you achieve financial goals

Size: 7cm(W) x 7cm(L) x 5.5cm(H)
*See below for Chinese descriptions and for more details
**Free door-step delivery using NinjaVan

Where to Place

  • Place it by your bedside, the dragon turtle should face the window or door
  • Position it on the left hand side of your working desk to advance in your career. You can use it as a paperweight as an energetic boost to help you reach your career goals
  • Place it at the wealth corner of your home/office, the dragon turtle should face the window or door
  • The center of the home is known as the power spot in Feng Shui. Place it in the living room (usually the center of the home), the dragon turtle should face the window or door

*Note – The South location is the auspicious sector of Period 9. Display item in the South to draw in beneficial energies.


相传龙生九子,而龙龟就是九个孩子之一,又叫做【赑屓】(bì xì)。龙龟二字在中文里与“荣归”同音,有“衣锦还乡,荣归故里”之意。

聚富聚财. 护体安康. 福禄长寿.

  • 商业利润扩展至最大化
  • 增强运势和人际关系
  • 获得财运加持并助您实现财务目标

尺寸:7cm(宽) x 7cm(长) x 5.5cm(高)


  • 放在床边,龙龟需面向窗或门
  • 放在办公桌的左侧将有助您事业腾飞,您可将它当作镇纸使用,让其能量实现您的职务目标
  • 放再家中或公司的财位,龙龟应面向窗或门
  • 居家的中心点在风水上叫做太极点,可将龙龟放在客厅(客厅一般上会在家的中央),龙龟应面向窗或门

Material 材质

Liu Li (琉璃)

Dimensions7 × 7 × 5.5 cm

Liu Li(琉璃)

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Liu Li Care
Not recommended to wear to sleep Re-energize it with Wealth Enhancing Purifying Water

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