Where to Place
- If you have seen a Feng Shui audit before, place in your Wealth Position.
- You can place item in the Wealth direction based on period 9 of Feng Shui. The wealth direction for period 9 is in Northwest, Southwest, Southeast. You can place item in the any of the 3 directional sectors of your living room/office
- To deflect discord and arguments, it is recommended to place item in the Northeast sector of your office
功效:安宅兴业,福禄权贵,事业腾飞, 招财纳福,招财守财。
- 食财嘴 – 貔貅大张的口,专吞金银珠宝,能为主人寻找财源。
- 富贵肚 – 貔貅口大肚圆,寓意肚子是个无限聚宝囊,吞食四方金银珠宝。有嘴无肛,只进不出,能将财富储藏在富贵肚里。
- 飞天翅 – 一对有劲的翅膀在身姿两侧,升腾之势,寓意事业飞黄腾达,财富扶摇直上。
- 安宅足(脚)- 四足健壮,刚劲有力,可镇守一方,祈佑安宅兴业。
Material 材质
Liu Li (琉璃)