Ultimate Tai Ji Lotus | Yuan Zhong Siu


Ultimate Tai Ji Lotus


The Lotus is known for its unique ability to emerge beautifully from murky waters, it symbolizes purity and devotion. A beautiful plant that grows in ponds, the lotus is a symbol of enlightenment as it can thrive and blossom in harsh conditions. The lotus symbolizes marriage as well, and the buds are likened to fertility and children. It is a perfect enhancer for marital harmony and a blissful family life. Coupled with a Tai Ji (the Yin-Yang symbol), this Yuan Zhong Siu’s exclusive item helps to maintain harmony and balance in your relationship with your partner and/or family members.

Love. Eternity. Harmony. Purity. Health Protection.

Comes in 2 colors.

Popular – Pink

  • Brings equilibrium in energies to build a nurturing and intimate relationship with your partner
  • Represents a life flowing with fruitfulness and love. Helps to enhance descendant’s luck to boost vitality and fertility
  • To have a loyal fateful love. Help to enrich your marriage and strengthen the relationship you have
  • Attract your soulmate and secure unwavering love. Enhance relationship affinity and take your relationship to the next level
  • Replace negative and dark energies with positive and loving energies. Open up the heart chakra for optimal health condition and for you to repair any damage you have in your relationship

Best-seller – White 

  • Provide supreme balance of Yin and Yang energies; protect against third party intrusion in your relationship
  • With a Tai Ji (Yin-Yang symbol representing harmonization in the universe), this product manifests equilibrium and balance. An essential item for vitality, a better circulation and optimal health
  • Powerful purifying energies to remove nightmare, emotional baggage and external temptations
  • Represents pure peaceful love; gain forgiveness through past disappointments and help to resolve arguments
  • Lotus is a symbol of enlightenment. Enhance clarity in mind and clear communicative obstacles to build a great family relationship
  • Place the lotus in your living room or bedroom to prevent arguments among family members. Be able to calm down, be attuned to yourself and improve your communication style. It can replace feelings of anger and frustration with love and understanding

Size: 9.5cm(L) x 9.5cm(W) x 4.5cm(H), Weight: 404g
*See below for Chinese descriptions and for more details
**Free door-step delivery using NinjaVan



Where to Place

  • Place in the living room for family harmony
  • For couples, best to place together with marriage photos and/or musical box
  • In your meditation area or by your bedside
  • The Love & Harmony position for 2024 is in the South West: it is recommended to place 1 pink Tai Ji Lotus & 1 white Tai Ji Lotus together in the South West sector of your living room/bedroom for marital bliss

Best Timing for Placement

Monday – Sunday (any day), anytime between 7-9 am

To Recharge and Power Up your Ultimate Tai Ji Lotus

Use the Wealth Enhancing Purifying Water to spray, clean and re-charge on a weekly basis. When cleaning, always use a dry and clean cloth to wipe away excess water and keep it dry.

Ultimate Tai Ji Lotus (太极莲花)



    • 让感情的无花果开花结果,情分上升为良缘,成为天作之合
    • 开枝散叶,喜得贵子
    • 增加浪漫,让感情更加甜蜜,爱意浓浓
    • 对应心轮,加强心、肺功能的健康


    • 净化心灵,减少错误的欲望 ,防止夫妻情侣间产生烂桃花, 使感情天长地久
    • 化解家人间八字刑冲,强化和亲力,使家庭和谐
    • 消病驱邪,心清自在,获得健康福缘

Material 材质

Liu Li (琉璃)

Dimensions9.5 × 9.5 × 4.5 cm

Ultimate Tai Ji Lotus – Pink, Ultimate Tai Ji Lotus – White


Liu Li(琉璃)

FREE Registered Shipping
for orders above $50
FREE Purification for
all Online Purchases

Liu Li Care
Not recommended to wear to sleep Re-energize it with Wealth Enhancing Purifying Water

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