Where to Place
- To place on the left hand side your workspace to advance in your career. Item can be used as a paperweight or beside your namecard holder as a visual reminder of your career goals
- Place item in your Wealth Position (as determined from a Feng Shui audit). Note that the mouth of the Long Gui should be pointing towards the door/window
- Boost the centre of your home (usually the living room of your residence) to invite abundance
- Place item in the Wealth direction based on the Period 9 of Feng Shui. See below:
*Note – The wealth direction for Period 9 is in the Northwest (西北), Southwest (西南) and Southeast (东南). You can place the item in any of the 3 directional sectors in your house/office.
Best Timing for Placement
Monday – Sunday (any day), anytime between 7-9 am
To Recharge your Long Gui (龙龟)
Use the Wealth Enhancing Purifying Water to spray, clean and re-charge your Long Gui on a weekly basis. When cleaning, always use a dry and clean cloth to wipe away excess water and keep it dry.
- 能制伏太岁,岁破及种种有形之煞气
- 家中有官非、是非、犯小人、资不抵债,财运衰弱等问题,摆放龙龟可化解凶气,亦可当作镇宅兴家之用
- 【葫芦】和【福禄】谐音,寓意长寿,能够催旺整个家族的运势,带来好财运,吉祥和顺
- 至阳之物,能压制邪气,如化解横梁压顶,化解卫生间浊气,化解流年煞气,化解家人的病气
- 龙龟 + 葫芦,寓意:福禄吉祥,健康长寿。
Blue (蓝色) – To ward off evil spirits, provide safety protection and accelerate recovery for robust health. Suitable for elderly or individuals recovering from any illnesses. 吸纳秽气,去除病厄,延年益寿,安家镇宅
Yellow (黄色) – To attract wealth and advance in a career,招财化煞,增福增寿,招福纳财
Liu Li (琉璃)
Item comes in a box. Great as gift.
Note: Liu Li art piece is unique as the colour casted is the result of the kiln-firing process. As this is a handcrafted process, the colour will differ for each Long Gui and natural forming bubbles in the items are also organically formed. The result is a distinct of each Long Gui that is uniquely yours.