2024 Dog Zodiac Forecast | Yuan Zhong Siu



2024运势提点 :


Lucky Number:


Incompatible with Tai Sui
Lucky Number:
Incompatible with Tai Sui
Incompatible with Tai Sui

2024运势提点 :


Grand Master Hillary Phang

Grand Master Hillary Phang


狗年出生的年份 Year of the Dog1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006
十二生肖排行榜 Overall Zodiac RankingNo. 10th

2024 will be a year of intriguing mysteries and hidden opportunities for those born in the Year of the Dog. While it is a turbulent year for your career, remember that every obstacle is a stepping stone to success. Prudence in financial matters will pave the way for stability. Refrain from gambling and steer away from high-risk investments. Singles can find love, while married people should keep communication lines open and avoid temptation. Having a blessed crystal bracelet with our #YZSExclusive fortune engraving can help to keep you safe.



Although career prospects seem challenging, it’s all part of your growth and development. This year, you will easily feel the burnout at work, and be prone to negligence and mistakes. A sound time management and work progress plan can help improve work efficiency greatly. Entrepreneurs might experience financial variations, but a dependable and loyal team can help you navigate the dog-eat-dog world of business successfully. The Athena Brilliance Bracelet can ignite your motivation for a better career progression.




2024 might not greet you with overflowing wealth, but it’s a year to harness financial steadiness and cultivate monetary wisdom. Embrace a simple lifestyle, focusing on savings and budgeting. For business owners, innovation and adaptability are crucial for maximum efficiency and profit. The 7th to 11th lunar months are when your wealth luck is more stable, wear your lucky colours, and avoid risky investments to tide through the year safely. Wear the Celestial Guardian Bracelet to attract more wealth luck into your life!




A worrying Health forecast is ahead. 2024 calls for some caution; it is a time to prioritise your wellbeing and safety. Refrain from doing risky water sports or deep-sea diving to prevent accidents. Proactive measures towards maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle can help overcome any potential health hurdles. Prioritising rest and good nutrition can lead to a healthier and more successful year. Have the Supreme Pagoda in the West or South sector of your house to mitigate negative influence caused by Tai Sui.




A promising year awaits singles, with many opportunities to meet potential partners. Focus on personal growth and improving your inner qualities.Potential suitors will come knocking on your door. For those married,the relationship might face some trials and temptation. Remember that harmony begets prosperity. Take time to bond with your spouse through a holiday vacation and work together to navigate any rough patches.



Auspicious CrystalsSunstone, Jadeite, Amethyst, Yellow Tiger’s Eye
Lucky ColoursYellow, Orange, Purple, White, Blue, Silver
Lucky Direction(s)East, Southwest, Northwest

生肖推荐 Zodiac Recommendations for Year 2025

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