2024 Goat Zodiac Forecast | Yuan Zhong Siu



2024运势提点 :


Lucky Number:


Lucky Number:

2024运势提点 :


Grand Master Hillary Phang

Grand Master Hillary Phang


羊年出生的年份 Year of the Goat 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003
十二生肖排行榜 Overall Zodiac Ranking No. 8th

2024 is a year that is teetering on the brink of predictability. Professional challenges may shape you into a stronger person, and the path to wealth might feel like a treacherous mountain hike. This year, pay extra attention to the fine details in agreements. Love will bloom beautifully for singles, and it is a delightful time for couples to have a bundle of joy. Health wise, opt for a healthier lifestyle and be vigilant when on the road.The Imperial Celestial Pyramid is an essential health protector and career enhancer for you.



With your career being stuck in a bottleneck situation, it is time to grit your teeth and be patient. This year, taking care of paperwork and agreements can reduce the likelihood of unnecessary dispute. It is recommended to place a sunflower portrait in your office and wear the purple Kun Lun Hong Pendant to boost career luck. Those working in fields of technology, women’s products, real estate, or AI are poised to ride the waves of this prosperous year. Embracing adaptability and innovation in your marketing strategies could lead to abundant rewards.




Managing your finances this year may feel like guiding a goat uphill, but being cautious can make the journey go more smoothly. Pay close attention when signing contracts or investing, and think twice before acting as a guarantor. Work relationships with Roosters and Rabbits need to be handled with caution. On the bright side, your house number and phone number might bring in a small windfall. Wear the Prosperity Aristocrat Bracelet to help invite more wealth into your life.




Despite the negative Yin Sha star bringing forth hidden illnesses, there are also lucky stars in your health sector, helping you mitigate any potential problems. This year, avoid high-adrenaline adventures as you are accident-prone. Your diet should contain nutritious foods that keep your liver and gallbladder happy – think high-fibre, low-fat, low-salt options, and plenty of water. Adopting a regular exercise routine and maintaining a healthy weight will keep you fit and healthy throughout the year. The Lyra Protection Bracelet is recommended for travel and health protection.




With the romance star on your side, your love life will be filled with joy and sweetness! With potential marriages and pregnancies on the horizon, 2024 could be the year of double happiness for those already in a romantic relationship. Singles should not be sheepish but actively participate in social activities to widen their social circles. Consider changing up your bedsheets to a romantic lilac colour to enhance your love luck. Married individuals will get to bask in love thanks to the harmonious relationship with their other half!



幸运水晶 黄虎眼、彩曜石、粉澳宝、茶晶
Auspicious Crystals Yellow Tiger’s Eye, Rainbow Obsidian, Pink Opal, Smoky Quartz
幸运颜色 红色、灰色、棕红色、青色、紫色、粉色
Lucky Colours Red, Grey, Burgundy, Green, Purple, Pink
幸运方位 西南、正西、东北
Lucky Direction(s) Southwest, West, Northeast

生肖推荐 Zodiac Recommendations for Year 2024

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