麒麟集龙头、鹿角、狮眼、虎肩、熊腰、蛇鳞、马蹄、牛尾于一身, 寓意吉祥顺利,招财纳福。
- 当门神:镇邪气,挡灾殃
- 当库神:赐富贵,家兴旺
- 旺事业,化小人,减少口舌之争,促进事业辉煌腾达
- 麒麟送子,寓意麒麟能旺人丁,促进家庭和睦,子息孝道
- 加强财位的正能量,增加财运和财富的积累,聚财富贵
蓝紫色 : 主事业/学业,不断开发智慧,取得突破。促进家庭和睦,增进人丁兴旺。辟邪镇宅,保平安顺遂。
黄绿色 : 主招财纳福,添富贵,除秽化煞。激发思维,巩固事业,平步青云,飞黄腾达。带来福寿康宁,保安康。
- 家中玄关或办公室中:麒麟头向外,摆放在家中玄关或办公室,可使煞气、小人、病魔和复能量敬而远之,自动闪避,使家宅和办公室平安兴旺。
- 书房或文昌位:保持思维清晰和专注,增强学习的主动性,学业和事业发展更为出色。
- 卧室:麒麟,一雄一雌,阴阳调和,有助于增进夫妻情感,从而有利于孕育,旺福后代。
Where to Place
- Place a pair of Qi Lin statues facing the door to bring blessings, good luck, and protection.
- Place them on a study desk to promote success and career/academic advancement.
- Place them in the bedroom to bring auspiciousness and bring the birth of healthy and intelligent babies.
*Note – The South location is the auspicious sector of Period 9. Display item in the South to draw in beneficial energies.
Best Timing for Placement
Monday – Sunday (any day), anytime between 7-9 am
To Recharge your Qi Lin (麒麟)
Use the Wealth Enhancing Purifying Water to spray, clean and re-charge your Qi Lin on a weekly basis. When cleaning, always use a dry and clean cloth to wipe away excess water and keep it dry.
Liu Li (琉璃)
Item comes in a box. Great as gift.
Note: Liu Li art piece is unique as the colour casted is the result of the kiln-firing process. As this is a handcrafted process, the colour will differ for each Qi Lin and natural forming bubbles in the items are also organically formed. The result is a distinct set of Qi Lin that is uniquely yours.
More about the Delivery Service: As item is fragile, we strongly recommend for you to self-collect item and QC upon collection. Yuan Zhong Siu does not cover damage compensation caused by third-party service provider. When carting out, indicate Self Collection at the Remark section if you will like to opt for Self-Collection.