2024 Dragon Zodiac Forecast | Yuan Zhong Siu



2024运势提点 :


Lucky Number:


Offends Tai Sui
Conflicts Tai Sui
Lucky Number:
Offends Tai Sui
Conflicts Tai Sui
Offends Tai Sui
Conflicts Tai Sui

2024运势提点 :


Grand Master Hillary Phang

Grand Master Hillary Phang


龙年出生的年份 Year of the Dragon 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
十二生肖排行榜 Overall Zodiac Ranking No. 12th

As Dragons prepare to soar in 2024, the clash with Tai Sui could cast a shadow on your journey.To help you rise above these passing clouds, demonstrate diligence in your work life and avoid complacency. Romance takes a back seat in 2024, and it is recommended that you go on a holiday trip to rekindle old sparks with your loved ones. Health issues might nudge you; this year, it is best for you to avoid risky sports activities and have the Almighty Protection Emblem to protect you from all harms.



As you spread your wings professionally this year, you may encounter some gusty winds along your path. Your benefactors are those born in the year of the Snake, Goat, and Pig. With strong competition in the market, business owners should strategize wisely and explore new horizons to find greater profits. Updrafts in the real estate, finance, science and technology sectors could significantly boost you. This year, focus on honing your skills to improve your standing at work.




The negative influence of Tai Sui may cast a shadow over your financial prospects, but don’t let fear paralyze your hunting abilities. Focus on developing your career, learning new skills to meet market demands,and sharpening your competitive edge. Engaging in charitable deeds can help elevate your positive energy and wearing a Pi Xiu bracelet can enhance your wealth accumulation prospects.




Though health scares might throw you off balance, your lucky stars will turn these challenges into blessings. This year, due to the Tai Sui’s influence, risks of surgeries are present and issues with the liver, gallstones, heart, bones, teeth, and gout should not be overlooked. Be careful on the road and you should not seek excitement and speed when driving. Avoid dangerous adventures and use caution when handling sharp tools. Consider doing more charity to improve overall fortune and luck.




Seize the opportunity to gently rekindle the flames of your relationships. Married Dragons should engage in fun activity with your spouse to spend more time together. Rather than sparking intense disagreements, maintaining a gentle flame allows love to flourish in the early stages of courtship. Display red or pink flowers in the Southwest sector of your living room to enhance romantic energies.The Athena Brilliance Bracelet can also improve marital harmony.



幸运水晶 黄虎眼、白水晶、海蓝宝、橄榄石
Auspicious Crystals Yellow Tiger’s Eye, Clear Quartz, Aquamarine, Peridot
幸运颜色 金色、银色、米黄色、白色、亮蓝色
Lucky Colours Gold, Silver, Beige, White, Bright Blue
幸运方位 西南、正西、西北、正北
Lucky Direction(s) Southwest, West, Northwest, North

生肖推荐 Zodiac Recommendations for Year 2024

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