
Selection of Auspicious Wedding Date

Selection of Auspicious Wedding Date

A wedding is a once in a lifetime event for you and the love of your life! Having an auspicious date selected for your wedding will kick-start a blessed and blissful life together as Mr. and Mrs.

Frequently overlooked yet extremely important,  an auspicious wedding date is more than just using the traditional Chinese Almanac to sieve out the favorable time based on the zodiacs.

Here at Yuan Zhong Siu, our team of experts seeks to help you as you enter this delightful new phase of life. Grand Master Hillary Phang will take into account the couple’s birth information (i.e. Ba Zi 八字) along with the parents’ date of birth from both groom and bride to help you choose the best date to usher in abundance, harmony and a new beginning for your union. We make sure that there are auspicious star(s) that is suitable for the wedding activity and will help you avoid any energy clashes for the wedding dates proposed.

Our professional and experienced Master and team will guide you through the items and traditions you need to take note of for a customary traditional Chinese wedding.

一个好的日子,代表一个好的开始 。让彭大师以您的八字帮您择出良辰吉日,让您可得到天、地、人(亲朋好友)的祝福,从而使夫妻感情幸福美满。

What You Will Get

For couples who have preferred months to conduct their wedding ceremony due to the availability of hotel venues, Yuan Zhong Siu will propose two ideal wedding dates. Our comprehensive Auspicious Wedding Date Report will also include Auspicious Dates and Time for

  • Betrothal Gift Ceremony (过大礼)
  • Installation of the Bridal Bed (安床)
  • Fetching of Bride from her parents’ house (迎接)
  • Stepping into Groom’s parents’ house (过门)
  • Return to the Bride’s parents’ house (回门)

The Auspicious Wedding Date report will be ready in 14 working days (upon submission of complete information). An example of the report is included in our FAQ (see below).

Information Required

Our team will be in touch with you for the following information once you have confirmed our service

  • Full name of the bride and groom (Chinese and English name)
  • Birth information of bride and groom in the format of DD/MM/YY, Birth Time (according to the birth certificate and Gregorian calendar)
  • Birth month and year of your parents’ and in-laws’ (according to the birth certificate and Gregorian calendar)
  • Chinese zodiac sign (eg Rat/Tiger) of your parents and your in-laws
  • The range of dates for your wedding that you are considering, in the format of MM/YY – MM/YY (eg 09/22 – 03/23)
  • Your preference for a weekend (eg Sat and/or Sun) or a weekday wedding (eg Thu/Fri only)
  • Your choice of wedding banquet (eg Lunch or Dinner)
  • Any additional information or preferences that we should be aware of (eg overseas wedding venue)

Picture of Grand Master Hillary Phang

Grand Master Hillary Phang

Selection of Auspicious Date for Chinese Wedding

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For Enquiries and Appointments

We’d love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have!

Feel free to fill out the form below and our team will get in touch with you at our earliest availability.

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